
ON 100

Gosh I'm not what sure to say here. This is the 100th post. I'm surprised I've been able to keep up with this long.

This blog is definitely still not perfect. Looking back through the archive can be cringe worthy. I know I still have many ways to learn, improve, and grow. But writing, producing, and sharing content here has become significant to me. Vladimir Nabokov writes at the beginning of an Invitation to a beheading, this book is merely a violin in the void, a way for him to process the world. Maybe not everything I do is successful or meaningful to an audience. But it provides a place to reflect, grow and discover...What I write and share helps fills my own void

If you have been around for awhile, I want to say thank you for continuing to read. If you are reading this blog for the first time, I want to say thank you for reading and welcome to the craziness.

Notable: Someone's getting older 

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